Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Self Treatment of High Blood Pressure

Coffee and caffeinated beverages

Health Club
In one study, the caffeine consumed in five cups of coffee daily caused a mild increase in blood pressure in elderly people who already had hypertension, but not in those who had normal blood pressures. What's more, the combination of smoking and drinking coffee in persons with high blood pressure may increase the blood pressure more than coffee alone. Limiting caffeine intake and cigarette smoking in hypertensive individuals may be of some benefit in controlling high blood pressure.
The American Heart Association states there is no consistent evidence that daily consumption of 1-2 cups of coffee (or its equivalent) increases blood pressure to any significant degree in people who do not already have high blood pressure.
Health Club
However, a study reported the Journal of the American Medical Association in 2005 found that while coffee consumption was not associated with an increased risk of hypertension, consumption of sugared or diet cola did cause modest increases in blood pressure, though no recommendations on cola consumption were made.
Energy drinks often contain high levels of caffeine. The American Heart Association points to research which suggests people with high blood pressure or heart disease should avoid energy drinks because they could affect their blood pressure.


The American Heart Association recommends consumption of dietary salt be less than 6 grams of salt per day in the general population and a lower level (less than 4 grams) for people with hypertension. To achieve a diet containing less than 4 grams of salt, do not add salt to food or cooking. Also, the amount of natural salt in the diet can be reasonably estimated from the labeling information provided with most purchased foods. Note: Take care if using salt substitutes, as some contain sodium!

Other dietary considerations

Add potassium to your diet. Studies show that people who consume more potassium have lower blood pressures. Good sources of potassium include:
  • bananas,
  • melons,
  • oranges,
  • spinach and
  • zucchini.
Check with your doctor first if you are being treated for kidney failure as potassium rich foods may be harmful to you.

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What is High Blood Pressure

The average adult has about five liters of blood flowing through the body via an intricate network of blood vessels called arteries, veins and capillaries. Blood is essential to life for it delivers oxygen from our lungs to our body tissues, and carries harmful waste to the kidneys to be removed. Blood also transports hormones from our glands to various parts of our bodies, as well as vitamins and nutrients from our digestive tracts.
When our blood vessels become clogged due to a plaque buildup of cholesterol and fat, our hearts must work twice as hard to pump enough blood to our vital organs. This is what causes our blood pressure to surge.
As the pressure increases inside of our arteries, veins and capillaries, our hearts become even more overworked. Over time, our hearts grow larger in an effort to compensate for the extra workload and eventually they become weaker.
When you add obesity, smoking, or diabetes to the mix, the risk of heart attack, stroke or kidney disease for those with high blood pressure increases dramatically. This is why it is important to know what your blood pressure is.
Experts recommend that you maintain a blood pressure lower than 140/90 mm Hg at rest. The higher number represents the maximum pressure exerted when the heart contracts (systole). It reflects the stiffness of the large arteries near the heart, and the volume of blood pumped into them. The lower number represents the pressure exerted when the heart begins to relax between beats (diastole), just before the next contraction. It measures the amount of constriction of the body's smaller arteries or arterioles.
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